So, we continued to explore how water and the other materials affect each other this Friday.
The children were asked "what are some differences between water and oil? or what are some similarities?"
Julia - "water is white (clear); oil is yellow!"
The children also agreed that both water and oil flow; they are liquid.
"What will happen if we pour oil into a cup of water?"
Orin - "the water will become yellow!"
This experiment reminded the children colour mixing from our colour unit.
As Ann poured in the oil, the children were all amazed that the oil floated on the top of the water and they didn't mix together.
Henry - "It's like bubbles"
Then, the children had a chance to do the experiment with oil, dish soap, and coloured water.
We observed the colour and oil pattern changes in the water.
As well, the children used oil and brushes to draw or leaves messages on a piece of paper.
We could not see the picture clearly when the oil dried on the paper. However, we could make the picture show up when we dipped our paper into the water with blue food-colouring because water and oil don't mix!
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