Sunday, 15 March 2015

Art - Blue Water Print

Painting and printing with different tools on a different surface, the children spread out blue pant with a glue paddle upon a metal tray. The children scraped and mixed different shades of blue paint.

Then, we put a piece of white paper on the tray to get our design!
"Some of them look like waves!"

Friday, 13 March 2015

Earth Group - Rain Puddle Reflection

We read "Raindrops" by Sandy Gay and "The Rain Puddle" by Adelaide Holl today at the group time. Here, we used eyedroppers to create raindrops and puddles on a tray.

Playing with droplets, the children put blue coloured water droplets upon a piece of wax paper. We used straws to blow droplets and played water droplet race! What a fun way to experience and to manipulate water droplets.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Field Trip - Kitsilano Beach

As part of our Water Wonders formative week activity, we went on a field trip to Kitsilano beach this Friday.
We were so excited at the bus loop.
The children and teachers took a bus together; it was a wonderful experience for the children.
The children shared public space and respected other passengers on the bus. 
In our formative week of our new unit, Water Wonders, our field trip to Kitsilano beach provided the children opportunities to demonstrate their prior knowledge and current understanding. As we explored at the beach, the children collected shells, sticks and seaweeds.  

The children have asked many inspiring questions, which we can explore and learn more in this unit.
Here are some of the children's questions and comments:
Where does the water in the storm drain go?
Why are there pipes in the forest trail?
Do the pipes take the water to the sea and ocean?
Why is there a pipe but there was no water inside; where did it go?
There are bus and creatures in the water.
Why is the tree and grass wet but it didn't rain?
The water is moving; the waves are coming in because the ships are pushing it over!
The wind is moving water, too.
There are animals that get food in the water like sea gulls.
When the sand has more water my boots get stuck in it.
In the summer time the sand looks different.
Why are there sea weeds and shells on the beach? How did they get there?
The water in the sea is salty.
How much salt and fresh water do we have?