Saturday, 22 November 2014

Art - Tint & Shade of Blue

Last week, the Water group children and I found it challenging to mix and to reproduce the right colours we wanted from Nature. Therefore, we decided to break down the steps and explore tint and shade. To make it simple, we chose only one colour, blue, to work on this week. 
Working with the Colour Tablet Box 3 again, the children explored that by adding white, we create a lighter blue; on the other hand, we can get a darker blue by mixing black and blue together.

The children enjoyed mixing and creating their own tints or shades of blue!

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Art - Leaves Colour

The Colour Tablet Box 3 from Montessori Sensorial area were introduced to the children today for our art activity. I demonstrated how we can grade different shades of colours from light to dark. 

Then, each child had a turn to observe and to match the colour of the autumn leaves that were collected from outside. The children were encouraged to take their time to look at the colours carefully and to compare the different shades.

The children noticed that some leaves had more than one shade of colour that match. Look how carefully our little ones focused on finding and matching the colours!

We tried to used the paint to reproduce the leave colours we see. All the children were so eager to mixing and create the colour we  see from the leaves. After the process of trail and error, the children and I found that it was pretty difficult to reproduce the same colour from Nature! We will keep explore about different shades of colour next week.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Art - Sky Colour

Today, we began with study the cover of "Sky Color" by Peter H. Reynolds. "What colour is the sky?" I asked the children. "Blue" the children said. "Is there other colours in the sky?" I wondered. Some children looked at outside of the window and said "white and grey, it's cloudy!"
As we read through the story, the children explored that the sky could change colour depends on the time of a day or on the weather. 
Some children also shared their knowledge about that we see colours because of light and the rainbow colours within the light.

The children were encouraged to try a new art technique to draw with white candle upon the paper first.
 Then, we picked different sky colours to put on our paper. The water colour helped us to see the candle marks we made at the beginning. 
Having practice using water colour during our art time, the children were capable controlling the amount of water they applied with the water colour on paper. The children learned to stop adding water upon the same spot and to wipe their brushes to reduce the water.

 It was exciting to watch the children's gradual progression of water colour art technique. Moreover, the children enjoyed the process and carefully observed the colour-mixing happened on the paper. 

Friday, 7 November 2014

Art - Colours of the Season

Today, the Earth group children enjoyed reading the book "Bear Has a Story to Tell" by Philip C. Stead. The children were invited to look at the illustration carefully in the book as the seasons change through out the book. The story starts from Fall how the bear encounters his friends who are getting ready for winter time. 
The children shared their observation about the colours were used on the pages of Fall. We stopped to look at the illustration on each page; the children describe the different shades of a colour. Moreover, some children noticed how the colour fades on the page, which was the artist, Erin E. Stead using her water colour painting technique.

The children were invited to paint with their fingers and water colours. The children created their own story on a piece of paper. 
Making dots!
The children noticed that on the pages of season Fall, the illustrator used the colour orange, yellow, red and brown; there are the colour grey, blue and white on the pages of winter in the book.
Rub on he water colour pallet