Saturday, 18 October 2014

Art - Autumn Colours

We had a chance to work together to create a piece of collaborative Autumn artwork.
First of all, the children were encouraged to wet the paper with a spray bottle.   
Then, we explored how paint would slowly spread out upon the paper. The children were amazed by how the paint mix and travel through the water on the paper.
As an open-ended art project, the children created their own way of painting. Some painted on leaves and print on the paper; some sprayed more water on the paint to explore how the water would affect the paint.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Art - Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Creative Minds families!

Today the children shared their thankful messages in the groups. It was so sweet to hear the lovely and thoughtful messages from the children. The children used their handprints and footprints to make turkey cards!

Thank you all for sharing the Thanksgiving feast with us!

Friday, 3 October 2014

Art - Autumn leaf

Water group children were invited to observe the arrival of Autumn. The story "Leaf Jumpers" by Carole Gerber was read to the children. We discussed the colours of Autumn leaves. 

Using masking tape to cover the part we do not want to paint was the technique we used to create the veins on a leaf. The children carefully taped out the veins.

The children were encouraged to mix food colouring with eye-droppers and paint brushes on their Autumn leaves.