Transdisciplinary Theme: How we share the planet
Central Idea : Plants play a unique role in our lives and the lives of animals
lines of inquiry:
- The features of plants in our local area
- How animals/people use plants
- The needs of plants in our local area
Mila - "they need water."
Matthew - "leaves grow."
Brendan - "Leaves are in trees."
Lucas - "You can use leaves as fertilizer"
It was always amazing to hear how much our little ones already know!
We read the book "Leaves" by Vijaya Khisty Bodach to learn more about leaves.
Each child chose the leaves they like to touch and feel the veins on the leaves. The children all want to show me their veins on their arms! What a great connection our children made!
Carefully, the children painted the leaves and print the leaves pattern on the paper.
Leaves use water, air and sunlight to make food for the plant; at the same time they give off oxygen, which all people and animals need.