This Friday, we started our art time being reflective by reviewing what we have decorated during the group time. (houses, rooms, totem poles, and etc.)
Anamaria drew a person on the paper and asked the children what they thought about this person.
Cameron - "He needs eyes!"
Trystan - "He needs pants."
Rylan - "Shirt."
Jayla - "Flowers."
The children took terms to add things they wanted to add on the plain person. As the same time, we moved on to talk about how people use jewelry to decorate their bodies.The children started their bead threading project - making bracelets. The children selected beads from our collection to design their bracelets.
The children were very proud of their own designed bracelets. Here are some pictures of them displaying the beautiful jewelry.
At the end, Anamaria also helped the children to compare each child's design and bead selection. This connected the children together as they realized that some of them shared the same or similar preference of colored beads.